(for further info see preview in previous BATEMAN REVIEWS blog post)
Germinal features individuals who seethe
stage as an empty and fruitful space where everything is in the making. Within
this space, efforts will be made to create a system or, in more candid terms,
one might say a world.
As we watch it unfold the actors take it as
an opportunity to construct and deconstruct the history of science, technology
and societal structures in an experimental way, but always with the greatest
care and good grace. Remaking everything, but without any moralistic intention.
In Germinal we are indeed
reinventing the wheel, but in doing so we are questioning almost everything and
putting it on trial, from the laws of physics to the foundations of social
interaction. And this is done within the relatively narrow context of an empty
performance stage.
If we had the opportunity to start from
scratch, even in a space of 8 metres by 10 metres, how would we do it?
Harborfront Centre, World Stage
“The relation between what we see and
what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that
the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never
quite fits the sight.” John
Berger, Ways of Seeing
"Language is a skin: I rub my language
against the other. It is as if I had words instead of fingers, or fingers at
the tip of my words. My language trembles with desire." Roland
Seeing and knowing, language and desire,
speaking from the tips of our fingers, and the knowledge of something not quite
fitting what we see and imagine it to be, are all modes of genuine and engaging
inquiry that the current production of Germinal at Harborfront Centre’s World
Stage embodies in a wonderful and witty, clever and complex manner. As I
watched I was reminded of walking through my neighbourhood – on the edge of
Dundas Square – as it moves, on any given day, from a blaringly serene asphalt
meeting place to a swarm of stultifyingly frenzied activity. It is a daily
challenge navigating the mind blowing/numbing, sensation-throbbing experience
of humans and all their accoutrement as they scramble among intersecting
pedestrian crossings, gigantic screens pulsing with images and information, and
cell phones that have taken the place of eyes and ears that actually notice the
real life surrounding them. But that’s just my single subjective take on being
alive in a simultaneously deadening, enlivening and explosive social miasma.
Germinal takes a lighter look at the chaos of creating a world of sight and
sound – but it is a lightness sprinkled generously with very dark and thought
provoking overtones.
What begins as a bare stage with relative
silence gracing the space becomes…well, it is hard to describe Germinal without
giving something crucial away about the gradual and sublime journey one is
taken on during this ninety minute tour de force featuring four performers and
a cacophony of …oops, another potential spoiler alert.

In a ntushell, Germinal explores language,
silence, technology, music and a plethora of unidentifiable social nuance in an
elegant at times wildly celebratory manner – moving as gradually from the blank
slate of the beginning to a kind of apocalyptic playground by the end.
Surtitles mix with visual and language
based projections that turn the overall experience into a fabulous exercise in
navigating the mechanics of the contemporary stage as it becomes an integral
part of a quartet of gifted bodies that traverse the boundaries of dialogue, music, technology and finding one’s
way in a world at once bound, gagged, liberated, set free, and damned by
language and technology and their increasingly subservient, all too human
As a kind of post-modern Waiting for Godot,
Germinal pulls out all the existentialist stops during an hour and a half of
deadly serious fun that goes nowhere and everywhere all at the same time (like
this review!?) The audience laughter, coming in on opening night like a slow
tide that built toward outright guffaw, is as gradual and as heartfelt as the
ways in which the performers reach out to each other with words and sounds as
they discover a new way of enacting old ways of being, seeming, and believing.
Germinal promises to make you seem to be
believing in the power of performance and the power of communal effort in a
simple, complex, and utterly entertaining and enlightening way.
23rd - 8PM
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